Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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32 entries this month


23:55 May 31 2014
Times Read: 668

After my appointment yesterday - and being weighed - I just told myself - ENOUGH!

I admit that for the last three weeks, I ate everything, without reason. I just pigged out.

The nutritionist that I also saw yesterday said that it was possible that my hormones were acting up - note the weird 2-day period last week...wtf? We deducted that that was most likely the cause of my feeding frenzy. (I don't have depression, or an eating disorder, so...)

So, instead of me sitting on my fat ass feeling sorry that my pants are too tight, I decided to make changes immediately.

After breakfast - one slice of lightly buttered toast and two slices of turkey bacon, with juice - I decided to go outside and walk. I walked my ass off. I walked about 20 blocks...and I'm not speaking of those small residential blocks. I'm referring to those long business district blocks. Years ago, I could do much more than that, but to be getting back to it, I think I did well. Worked up a sweat too. When I got back upstairs to my apartment, the pedometer read 5,960. I was hungry, so I ate an apple, which is filling.

I took a shower, paid my rent and bills, then studied a bit - pharmacy mathematical equations.

I'd say that today was rather productive!

And now - I'm gonna' sit on my ass with VR in my face. It's a good thing I don't have any 'cheat foods' here. lol



00:03 Jun 01 2014

How did you navigate around all that yellow police tape everywhere or are they still out? :p

00:20 Jun 01 2014

No tape anywhere today...lol Plus, the city is still short on crime scene tape.


05:19 May 30 2014
Times Read: 693

Mmmmm. Ghirardelli Chocolate. Milk chocolate with almonds and sea salt. Yeeeeah.



13:16 May 30 2014

I think it's only fair that you share :)

18:39 May 30 2014

I should, as I ate the whole huge bar. I usually only eat half...:0

01:20 May 31 2014

It'd so be melted by the time you shipped it here! Damn!

02:36 May 31 2014

I like to add it to my popcorn while it is still hot.


22:59 May 29 2014
Times Read: 714

Some of last night's chatter...

On how I detest the psycho neighbor above me; getting invited to dinner from a friend who may be visiting my area (be warned, amigo: I am NOT one of those women who lie and state that they don't eat much. I EAT...and I have table manners too)!

Anyway, I also chatted about how horribly gruesome the stories of The Brothers Grimm really are; music; on how I could have turned out differently - as in a spoiled trust fund baby - if I had inherited a chunk of property and money that was lost during a political upheaval in the country of my birth; my thanks for receiving a rerate and kind words from a longtime VR member; and for two of my friends who are still healing...Namaste.





06:02 May 29 2014
Times Read: 729



The aroma of ..ugh!

02:15 May 29 2014
Times Read: 736

I just wrapped up todays' studying. While sitting here at my desk, with one of the bay windows opened, I get smacked in the face by a very strong weed odor.

The sad thing was that the stuff was brown weed - not green.

I don't smoke, but I know bad weed when I smell it. lol



02:44 May 29 2014

Wish I liked it (personally)... But bad is bad... I can appreciate the smell of it..

06:46 May 29 2014

Would you like some oxygen with your ganja? LOL.



19:18 May 28 2014
Times Read: 745

Enjoyed chatting some more last night. Some of the topics included:

Reasons why we don't like facebook; me confusing real guns for GUNS (muscles) - lol; how a good-looking guy is no longer attractive to me if he has a high-pitched whiny voice; girly make-up stuff; some historical tidbits about pirates; health issues; and drinking (alcohol).

Now- on to studying. I hope to log back on in the late afternoon or early evening!




02:29 May 28 2014
Times Read: 769

Just had dinner. Easy clean up of the kitchen.

Waiting for a call back from work to see when I return as the semester is over. I still have time before July 1st (the start of the new fiscal year) to get some more work days in.

Just logged back in to VR. Everything is cool.

Right up until 2 minutes ago. The psycho bitch upstairs is at it again.

God, how I hate her.

I think I'll drown her out with some Ramones!



02:48 May 28 2014

I want (her) to be sedated!

00:03 May 30 2014


13:27 May 30 2014

If you put the Ramones on and I lived above you, you'd get me out. I know many love them to this day but I met them in the mid 70s when they were playing in Huntington Beach. They were in their beginnings. They could barely play their instruments. I know that wasn't the primary issue with the type of music they did. We put on a fair and they played at our outdoor concert area. My brother almost got into a fight with one of them, lol. He was doing the mixing along with Mr. Rissi who made Risson sound equipment then. Not sure I spelled everything right but anyway my brother is a hardcore musician (plays bass). He couldn't grasp their stuff and they don't sound the same live. It was a funny time. Punk fit them very well because that was how they acted as well. I barely remember who played out there, but I guess they weren't the only ones of note but then they were more underground and not known as much at that time. My biggest memory was the bear from there. We had one of the bears that was in Gentle Ben. He had no teeth or claws but I started dating the trainer and he'd come to my house a few blocks away and parked the bear's cage in front of my house. I got home and the police were there because the kids were fascinated and he was only in a cage like you see at a circus with bars, not enclosed. Everyone was in an uproar. LOL

18:35 May 30 2014



18:21 May 27 2014
Times Read: 801

Oh Lord, do I have a ton of laundry to do...lol



18:32 May 27 2014

same here lol

18:57 May 27 2014

Well get out the scrub board and wash bucket...or are you still using rocks and the local stream? hehehehe

21:37 May 27 2014

Laundry done! Tah-dah!


Psycho Bitch on a Rampage.

01:27 May 27 2014
Times Read: 834

Yeap. I knew that she'd start up again soon, as it's been too quiet for too long.

And I was going to go back to studying, after doing so well earlier today.

Time to crank up the music!

(I swear - if I could get away with it, I'd put a bullet in her head)



02:44 May 27 2014

wanna borrow my spit wads and straw ?

02:52 May 27 2014

No - won't do any damage to her...lol


It's Prom time...gee...what should I wear?

01:20 May 27 2014
Times Read: 837

Not this ugly shit:

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19:57 May 27 2014

Another reason to be thankful i live in the U.K and not have this haunt me later down the track lol

I still dont get prom. Not saying its a bad thing (except above) i just dont get it honestly.

02:29 May 28 2014

You're not missing much.


21:28 May 26 2014
Times Read: 843


I did better with studying today; used the flashcards for about three hours.

I actually remember a lot. Not everything, but still...the brain is still functioning!

No guilty feelings - lol




00:01 May 26 2014
Times Read: 856

Mmmm....orzo pasta with sun-dried tomatoes and baked salmon.



02:47 May 26 2014

Sounds good. I cooked spaghetti noodles and topped them with leftover grilled chicken breast and salsa.



21:33 May 25 2014
Times Read: 864

I hate wasting time. But that is exactly what I've done today.

I tried to study and remember my pharmacy mathematical calculations, and my mind was fuzzy. The noise from the bitch upstairs didn't help the situation either...stomping around in heels to her loud music. (Well - at least she wasn't screeching and cussin', which is her usual mode of noise-making).

I'll try to get back to it later on. Maybe just go over the flashcards - sans the mathematical stuff - and see what I can recall.

I really, really want to take the state exam this summer - I need to stop putting this off!



21:52 May 25 2014

Yeah, you really, really do need to stop putting it off!


05:14 May 25 2014
Times Read: 898

I've been really chatty with a few friends here...about time!

For starters, I had a wonderful down to earth convo with my fabulous House Master, Nekirena. And we drank together too! (I still have the sangria left for later, missy)!

Spoke with another friend about guys cooking - even when wearing only an apron...Admonished one about eating a whole goddamn bucket of KFC, and paying for it literally through his ass...Learned how to better take care of my feet...Talked about education, and how it isn't a waste, even if we're studying something that is not in our dreams, going for mundane reality because we have to; And I've talked to three here who seem to be having some stress and emotional issues at the moment.

They are all my friends here, and I really do care about all of them.



05:49 May 25 2014

♥ I adore you. I'm going to start calling you Mama Mo! ♥ ;p

05:55 May 25 2014

No. No mama. LOL! Mo is fine.

16:33 May 25 2014

I admit, I come back here because you are always glad to see me. So many people just drop off and forget.


04:15 May 25 2014
Times Read: 922

The past two days of good eating habits was just ruined.

I'm eating a chocolate brownie...with caramel sauce. I'm so primitive that I've dispensed with the spoon, and have now resorted to using a finger to dip into the sauce.



04:25 May 25 2014


04:31 May 25 2014

Oh yeah right! 2 days of good eating habits. More like 2 days of forgetting to go to the star for chocolate brownies and caramel sauce. hehehehe

04:34 May 25 2014

They were both items I got from the culinary dept. where I work. Not good working around food!

04:43 May 25 2014

Mine got ruined too. Chinese Buffet followed by a candy bar and chocolate cake. My buffet choices were not horrible but the water reeks of algae so I opted for soda and I do not drink diet even when I need a diet.

04:47 May 25 2014

Hey Juha...if you read this:

At least it ain't a whole goddamn bucket of KFC! lol

04:48 May 25 2014

Geesh..I typed star vice store.....What was I thinking about? Maybe a sandwich with a pentagram toasted into the bread. Hmmm.....

05:15 May 25 2014

Hard headed. Le sigh le sigh


The Analogy of All Analogies.

00:18 May 25 2014
Times Read: 960

while perusing through the Who's Online section, I came across the profile of lostxdreamsxofxglory:

Yeah, sure I used to have a long post about my life and all the shit I've been through. Know what it did for me? Nothing. It didn't help, it didn't help me to find others who shared situations similar to mine. Know why? Because NO ONE lives a life as fucked up as mine.

It's a complete and utter motherfucking train wreck that had a plane crash into it toppling nearby skyscrapers causing them to come tumbling down on to the wreckage topped off with it all randomly bursting into flames and burning to goddamn ash. At which point a legion of cats decided "Hey, we found our new massive litter box" and shit and pissed all over it.

That is the PERFECT fucking analogy for my life.

EPIC WIN! I can't stop laughing. Dude - you made my day. lol



00:58 May 25 2014

Oh my gosh! Haha!

03:12 May 25 2014

Now. I am. Depressed.

03:44 May 25 2014

I'm a close second . But you look so great for someone to have gone through so damn much .

03:53 May 25 2014

Hey - this is NOT my analogy...lol

I did apologize to the guy later on, as he commented that he was serious. I told him that he had a dark humorous style of writing though.

04:41 May 25 2014

Still. So. Depressed.


20:02 May 24 2014
Times Read: 977

Back away from the mountain trail mix. Now.



20:37 May 24 2014

Finders keepers!

21:01 May 24 2014

And move towards the light of the sandwich!


Light-hearted work stuff... :)

22:59 May 23 2014
Times Read: 1,007

* Recall the faculty member who always refers to me as 'The French Lady'? He came in, and totally embarrassed me, with his loud compliment of "You are such a gorgeous lady!" While any woman would like compliments, I also know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some may not agree with him, and that means I'm under scrutiny.

Of course, I have manners and said thank you, but I really don't like or want extra attention.

(Like the woman from a few weeks ago who told me I was 'stunning'...I really don't think so. I'm above average, but not 'stunning').

* Speaking of appearance, a student came in yesterday afternoon. I rung him up, and wished him luck on his upcoming final exams. No biggie. The kid is just standing there staring. I'm thinking that maybe I forgot to give him a receipt or something, so I raise my brows. He then says "You don't look like you should work here." ??? I'm like "Okay...where should I be working?"

He replies "You look like a librarian." Um...okay. That's cool. I laugh. I am a bookworm, after all.

* There is one student who always wears rock 'n roll themed t-shirts. He's a smallish black kid, but he stands out in my eye, as he is not into rap, like mostly everyone else. So, whenever I see him, I give him lil' tests, and he has to answer with lightning speed. They are usually song/band questions, like "Give me a Nirvana song - quick!"

He usually gets most of them. I noticed that he is more into classic and grunge rock. lol



00:46 May 24 2014

You are a gorgeous lady , I think you are

01:53 May 24 2014

Oh Jesus...I didn't post this to receive compliments, but thank you just the same...lol



22:36 May 23 2014
Times Read: 1,014

Oh man...I truly work with an unusual cast of characters. Some antics I get...some - I'm just stunned:

* Big Momma is still out. Hopefully she'll have learned from this second time in the hospital for not taking care of herself...then again, she is an idiot.

* Mai returned to work this week. You'd think that after being out for almost a month, she would've gotten some sort of diagnosis for her medical concerns. But no - she comes in, constantly whining and complaining to me. She refuses to see her primary care doctor (that she finally went to recently, from what I gather), but continues to see an herbalist and an acupuncturist...which she's been seeing for a few years. Not to put down traditional Chinese medicine - if it isn't working, she needs to try western medicine. Mai doesn't like to take drugs - neither do I, but if I want to live, I do what I need to do. She keeps harping on about having too much potassium, yet refuses potassium-clearing medications. So basically, she's no better off than when she took a month off. As a matter-of-fact, she went home early yesterday (Yes - to leave me to work alone. Good that it was a slow day). And I know that part of it was to avoid working today, to do some cleaning...as I'm off. Good grief!

* I work my ass off because shit needs to be done; especially with 1 to all of the other permanent cashiers being out. While they bicker about who should be doing what, me and the new hourly have done the shit already. So, Cee - who's been off this week due to her mom being ill - actually complained to the bosses that "Monique works too much and does everything, so that there is nothing for me to do!"

Are you fucking kidding me? Instead of watching me, complaining about me working, just dive in. There is always work to do!

I'm so sick of these spoiled, whiny heifers.



04:30 May 24 2014

You and I, both.

14:30 May 24 2014

That place is a circus at best!


03:02 May 18 2014
Times Read: 1,032

Remember those 3- 4 days of temps in the 90s?

Today - I have to close my windows and turn off the ceiling fan in my living room.

It's fucking cold!



04:54 May 18 2014

Cold cuts? Sure, fix me one... :p

02:01 May 24 2014

A cold pimp slap to your face? I'm up for that.



00:16 May 18 2014
Times Read: 1,055

As I've mentioned a few times before, I rarely go on Facebook. I can't quite explain it, but there is something about it that I just don't like.

Well - I can explain it, actually. Many of the people on my 'lists' I have nothing to do with now.

Most of them are becoming old farts, and they brag too much on what they have.

I mainly drop in from time to time to check on my relatives and animal rights causes.

On occasion, I get a little ha-ha, like this one from my half-sister in Idaho:

How r you I am so bad at keeping up with you. I hope things are going as well as possible. Someone was looking at my face book the other day and I said that is my oldest sister. They said no that can't be look how high yellow she is lol

(We have the same dad, but different moms - lol)



00:58 May 18 2014

Is your FB profile the one with the profile picture of a sandwich? Hehehehe

01:10 May 18 2014

Yes. Featuring a toasted French baguette, you jackass.

02:57 May 18 2014

I give him the anti-sandwich posts on fb! LOL

You can start a second account with your VR screen name and have your crazy friends there.

02:59 May 18 2014

Trin...now that's a good idea!

22:30 May 24 2014

Do it!!!!! :D


Cold weather = more clothes. Hurray for winter!

05:14 May 16 2014
Times Read: 1,093

As I had mentioned earlier...we are having a heat wave. I hate anything over 75 degrees, so these 90+ temperatures are killing me.

I do my best to stay cool and comfortable. But some of the clothes - or the lack of clothes - that some women wear leaves me speechless.

A student took this pic of another student, and sent it to me:

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I recall seeing her, and had to hold back a gag reflex when she bent over the condiment table...to reveal her blue bikini panties, which barely covered her big ass cheeks.

This is only one example - there were more that were even worse.

What makes me cringe is the fact that they all think they look good! Fat - skinny, it doesn't matter!

Showing off all their flabby, rashy, badly tattooed, zit covered meat. Ugh.

They need to try to have a lil' respect for themselves...and others!



06:10 May 16 2014

Oh just give them their sandwich and let them live their life...Jeesh! Don't hate!

08:16 May 16 2014

Lord have mercy thats a wide load . Hahaha you should google fat cheek people at walmart they are far worse photos than that chick.

We had hot weather then all of a sudden it was like winter, it was what they call blackberry winter . cold has to hit the blackberries before they make the berry, but seriously we had to turn our heat on that week.

Keep cool Isis , maybe put you a hammock on you deck or patio and sleep in it at night .

19:38 May 16 2014

I don't hate. I'm embarrassed for them.

And sometimes they make my eyes burn.

And I wouldn't dare sleep outside of my apartment...I live in the hood. I do open my windows a little, and use a portable fan (thank God I'm on the second floor) LOL


Idiots on Parade.

05:02 May 16 2014
Times Read: 1,099

We've been having a 3-day heat wave, with temperatures in the 90's. I think that the heat has addled minds that have already been damaged, so one can imagine the stupid shit that spews forth from the mouths of some students.

(Note that none of these examples are from special needs students, who are actually more alert):

* There was almost a cat fight between two female culinary students - right next to the fryer.

* Student: Could you stamp my java card twice since I forgot it yesterday?

Me: No - I'm sorry. We only stamp the card at the time you buy the coffee.

Student: Why? I buy coffee all of the time!

Me: Well that's why you should have your card all of the time. We can't keep up and remember who bought what when. I'm sorry.

Student: So - you can't stamp my card?

Me: No. Have a nice day.

She sulked off...which surprised me, as she can be quite combative at times. (More on her later)

* A student has a huge grill order that totals close to $9.00. He pulls out some crumpled bills from his pocket, and realizes that he only has $3.00. He has a totally dazed, stupid look on his face, as he says "I left my debit card at home..." Like, wtf was I suppose to do about it? He's handing me the $3.00, like everything is settled...or like I'd cover his ass. I looked at him and said "Not enough money, so I'll just go cancel the order..." When he realized that he wasn't gettin' anything for his $3.00, and the fact that I wasn't payin' for shit, he started going from person to person begging...really? Anyway, he scraped up enough money eventually...good grief.

* Recall the pushy woman and her damn coffee card...she has this weird thing where she goes off on anyone she feels is standing too close to her. Another customer - a cool guy, actually - was standing behind her, waiting to get coffee. She usually takes up a lot of space and is as slow as molasses, so the guy said excuse me, reached next to her for a cup...and she went off. He apologized and stated that he did say excuse me. She wouldn't shut up...she ended up getting HER ass cussed out. The guy called her an ugly fat-assed bitch who'd be lucky to be touched by anyone. I had to hold in my laugh, as she was speechless. Hey- sometimes assholes need the shit thrown back in their faces, you know? Anyway, the guy - who really is a nice guy - came back in later on to apologize to us cashiers for his outburst.

*I had to explain what 'Buy one- get one free' meant to at least 3 - 4 students:

- 'You mean - if I by one, I get another one half off?'

- 'Can I get a soda for free instead?'

- 'Free...like, in 'free'?'

* Pizza is brought in today. As it's the last day of school for the week, we've posted a sign - right next to the pizzas - that list the three kinds that are available. The sign also states that it's buy one, get one free. A student walks up to the pizzas, carefully looks them over, then asks "Are these pizzas?"



05:11 May 16 2014

Hey, maybe there is some kind of government experiment going on in your city. They put something in the water and sandwich meat....Good luck with all that. Hahahaha!

05:17 May 16 2014

I tell you- I'm sick of these dumb rude bastards.

05:29 May 16 2014

So.. what if say.. I buy two slices of pizza? Will i still get one free? Mwhahaha


Mother's Day.

23:11 May 11 2014
Times Read: 1,117

I slept until almost noon today...

Called my mom to wish her a Happy Mother's Day, and to apologize for not sending her flowers. She just laughed and said don't worry.

(I spent the rest of Friday and the first half of yesterday studying, hung out here on VR, and totally forgot to order the flowers. My mind usually works better than it has been lately...wtf)?

Mom sounded pretty good today; she was in an upbeat mood, and is coming to the realization that she really should stay where she is, instead of trying to move back up here. She is getting far better services if she stays put in San Moreno Valley. I do miss her though, as I can't just take a short train ride to see her anymore.




Good Health...Happiness!

02:06 May 10 2014
Times Read: 1,146

Well, I got a new doctor. His office takes my insurance. Had my first appointment with him today, and I like him. So, no more running around searching - for now. Even though I was seen 1 and a half hours after my appointment time...

Anyway, he drew blood himself, so he could get updated info from a variety of tests, and he gave me a hydrocortisone shot in my lower back (sciatic nerve) to help with the pain in my left leg and the relatively new arthritis in my knees and hips...my fat ass needs to continue losing weight.

If I can get down to 150 lb., I will be very happy...if I can get down to 140 lb., I will be in heaven! I have to add that the CHF has a lot to do with weight gain (excess water retention).

(This 215 lb. marlin has a lot of work to do...lol)

Speaking of weight, we went over diet and exercise tips - which I mostly do. I can go back to walking for exercise once my damn legs stops hurting! That goes for the beginning yoga too!




05:58 May 10 2014

That shot worked so well that I walked all the way home from the doctor's office! Even though the office is in my neighborhood, it was a long walk.

07:35 May 10 2014

You can do it!!!

17:03 May 10 2014

Glad to hear you're over the initial hurdle of finding a PC!

23:26 May 12 2014

I am glad you found someone you like. My doctor is a godsend. Both of them... my oncologist and my primary care doctor. And don't I know about weight gain due to medical crap. Ugh. One shot of Lupron Depot = 30 pounds.


04:18 May 05 2014
Times Read: 1,183

On the sidewalk in front of the community college where I work:

 photo 0d4ae004-f341-45b8-b61c-a0edc4fe8def_zps263ef873.jpg



04:36 May 05 2014


05:20 May 05 2014


13:19 May 05 2014


13:51 May 05 2014

Awww. Nice shade of green! Wonder what's SD 3-14.


BIG Level Update!

18:55 May 04 2014
Times Read: 1,201

Welcome Isis101

Your Status:

Venerable Sire

Your Level:


Pages Viewed:


Time Spent:

111.94 days

You have completed

43% of the next level.

I went from a Great Sire to a Venerable Sire!

(Courtesy of The Prince, as I purchased a lifetime membership...lol)



03:45 May 05 2014

Cool! You should throw a sandwich party. ^_^

13:47 May 05 2014

Cool stuff.


Another memory from the past.

04:20 May 04 2014
Times Read: 1,225

Being at The Haight Street Fair in San Francisco, circa 1992:

While hangin' out drunk with friends, an acquaintance passed by with her boyfriend. They were into S & M, with her being the dominant one. As she lead her sub around on a leash with a ball-gag in his mouth, a group of Sunday school-looking ladies were gawking. Then, one of them got up the nerve to speak, in all seriousness:

"Excuse me dear...where can we get one of those?"

We couldn't stop laughing.



06:24 May 04 2014

That's what happens when you let it slide too many times.....you know...them NOT making a sandwich.....having them make a sandwich every now then would shut all that craziness down!

11:36 May 08 2014


But me thinks Mogy is desperate for a sammich. o.0


On purchasing a lifetime membership...

03:58 May 04 2014
Times Read: 1,230

...I hope that I don't regret it, as I may not be working throughout the summer.





00:35 May 03 2014
Times Read: 1,251

I think I've found a doctor! I have an appointment with him next week. I hope I like him, as I don't want to do another search. I've discovered that many doctors here don't take my insurance, which sucks.

(Yes - it's a plan through Covered California...part of Obamacare).



00:58 May 03 2014

So hard to find a compatible doc!


02:12 May 02 2014
Times Read: 1,263

Oh great. My rent is going up. It's only $35 but still...it sucks, as it will eat up the little $50 monthly increase in work pay.

All I can do is laugh.





Priest of the Month.

01:57 May 02 2014
Times Read: 1,269

May 2014

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