Owlish's Journal

Owlish's Journal


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10 entries this month

07:31 Apr 19 2020
Times Read: 1,093

Today my mind is full of white dresses, faux pearl necklaces, kitty heels, and flower crowns.
The next week is going to be rough.
It's also going to be okay. I'm doing the best I can, and that's all I can do for the moment.

I'm buying a new Surface tomorrow to help myself cope with the everythingness. My phone is 5 years old, and it was 1-2 generations old when I bought it, so it wasn't the newest even while it was new to me. It's constantly shutting down, restarting, or outright refusing to function. Surfaces are the same price as the new Samsung Galaxy phones (which seems utterly ridiculous), so I'll just get the Surface and maybe a cheaper phone later down the track. It's been very, very odd, not having a computer for 18 months. I miss it in so many ways and I have been ever so patient about ordering a new one.




06:57 Apr 19 2020
Times Read: 1,096

There was a place that Dylan and I stayed in, in Wellington, that was a complete pain in the ass, and yet... I don't regret it.

We got off the bus in the CBD and had no idea where we were. It wasn't a city we'd been to before, I was excited, but tired from the long travel, and wanted to sleep. It was so very late when we arrived in the lovely sprawled city.
We unfortunately found that the country-style inn was a long distance away, and the cab driver was excessively rude. He charged us over a hundred dollars, after he got lost and then dumped us and our bags off. Rudeness. We later discovered that there are trains we could have caught, for $10 each. Double rudeness.

The inn looked more like a lush old estate (and on reflection, I seriously think that that's exactly what it was). Rolling green lawns, roses everywhere, manicured gardens. The rooms weren't great - but it all had a weird charm, a slightly scruffy adorableness. It was very clearly a wedding-only inn - the garden had arches everywhere, the lobby was full of plush carpets and was the nicest interior of the entire place, a "makeup and changing room", the desk was covered in cards and brochures for MUA, photographers, celebrants and florists.
Double-sink bathrooms with double-length counters, lights all the way around the mirrors, and every view given was begging for dramatic photos in long gowns.
The bed wasn't the best. The walk to and from the inn and any stores was long and very, very steep. There was no air conditioning or fans (in the middle of summer, which is very mild, but point remains), the lighting wasn't the best, we had little to do as we were so very outside of the city-limits. We spent the days there exploring the northern end of the city, found a couple of book stores, ate spicy, decadent food, and when the time came, changed to a different place - a fancier hotel with a huge bath, better bed, nicer area of the city, and yet...

I don't regret staying at the inn. It had a soft romance and a sort of realness to it. It may have been unpolished, attention to detail may have been lacking, it needed bathtubs, and air conditioner at the least, but it was still nice. It was something we had never tried before, we learned to plan ahead in terms of arrival times and scouting cities in terms of transport logistics and area travel times (being logical, if we had known about the trains sooner, we stil wouldn't have caught one, as it was a few miles of walking with 50lbs backpacks, some of it up steep hills and we wouldn't have arrived until well after midnight), it helped us refine our desires for future standards for hotels, and we saw a part of the city that we otherwise wouldn't have travelled to.
It also gave me a small taste of what it would be like to have a more formal wedding, which was interesting. My feelings towards it were quite soft and mellow, while at a place specificaly used for the purpose. Romantic gardens, gorgeous views, fresh air... lovely.



18:21 Apr 19 2020

Wellington NZ? so perty! I have family there and Auckland. I really need to go back:)

00:26 Apr 20 2020

Yes. :) Judgement and I spent almost 3 months in NZ last year, hiking and exploring cities we hadn't been to before. Wellington was by far a favourite of mine (though Christchurch will forever remain our special place).


06:19 Apr 19 2020
Times Read: 1,103

Stand up? Crackle.
Stretch? Popping candy.
Move my left arm?
... gumdrops, it sounds like lighting, it resonates.




01:34 Apr 18 2020
Times Read: 1,129

I'm back to devouring books, and I'm glad I'm putting the energy into other worlds. I read Sarah J. Maas' newest book, Crescent City, and while I didn't particularly enjoy it, the last 50 or so pages were pretty good, and of the high standard I hold Maas to.
I've read manga, old favourites, authors that are newer to me, and I've picked through some classics. I'm really happy with the quality and amount of material I have, both physicaly (the house has 7 different large book cases that I know of, groaning under the weight of tomes), my library apps, and my ebooks.
Having already been an avid reader, the social distancing and self-isolation doesn't feel like a confinement, and instead feels more like a warm, cosy buffer against the outside world.

If you like fantasy, I highly recommend Sarah J. Maas's Throne of Glass series (which is less than half price on Google Play right now), The Name Of The Wind, by Patrick Rothfus, or The Bone Houses, by Emily Lloyd Jones.



02:21 Apr 18 2020

nice :)

02:39 Apr 18 2020



17:29 Apr 17 2020
Times Read: 1,159

Social isolation week...
Four? Five? The agoraphobia makes it all blend into one big long stretch. I am a bit sad, given... stuff. I was hoping to put more of this time into VR. I have nothing but time at the moment, like many of us.

Part of me wants to know how things are, for others, in other parts of the world. Part of me doesn't want to reach out - the part wants me to sit in a darkened bedroom and hiss at anyone who comes near. Heh.

The world is a weird place, right now. People fighting over basic supplies, everything is shut here, all state lines are shut and people aren't allowed to go in/out without the excuse of being an essential worker or facing "extreme emergency". Wild.



18:05 Apr 17 2020

I am in northern California. Everyone in my neighborhood hides in their homes or takes turns coming out to water their gardens. My husband is still working so I stress about that everyday. Other than that, I am just trying to stay high and sane.

00:17 Apr 18 2020

People are doing pretty well about it here. I'm stuck in Australia at the moment, and people are mainly being really responsible. The government was doing shittily but we've basically absconded and a lot of Australians just listen to the PM of New Zealand.

02:22 Apr 18 2020

People here in Michigan stay indoors are stores arent being stocked as they should it really sucks to be honest. I wish I could lock my self in a confined room aand have loads of stash enough for 10 yrs id be set lol.


04:18 Apr 15 2020
Times Read: 1,189

My new glasses arrived and I. Can. SEEEEE. Holy heck, what a difference it makes. I ended up being decent to myself and got two expensive, lovely pairs that are just... nice. So nice! I can see! Pebbles, leaves, grass, I can read again - absolutely delightful! I can actually read the subtitles on Netflix.
I am frigging thrilled. I can seeeee!

It takes me entirely too long to order things like this for myself and I am so very pleased wity myself for doing so. I knew my vision was bad and that my current glasses were not at all appropriate strength, I had my eyes tested and knew I needed over double the strength prescription, but still, I didn't order any.
Ach. Such foolishness.




Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

04:14 Apr 15 2020
Times Read: 1,193




03:11 Apr 15 2020
Times Read: 1,197

Some days I get shadows of who I used to be, little flickers and kernels of anger that I cannot seem to ever fully draw upon. I am happier, though. I'm... lucky. Happy af, and aside from the virus right now, everything is amazing. Dylan and I have such lovely cats together, and it's just good. Things are so good. It has taken me so long to feel like I am balanced, but I do actually feel that, now. That I am doing okay. That I am handling things well, that I am able to cope and process in healthy ways. Even with the virus, I am keeping active, have a few free lectures I am doing to watch, I've been doing cross stitch, using the treadmill to burn off excess energy and anxiety, making sure I eat proper meals, reading books and making sure I stay connected to friends, no matter how much I may want to pull back and shut down.




02:47 Apr 15 2020
Times Read: 1,209

I held a lot of doubt in my heart, and was so very pleased when I genuinely enjoyed Nightwish's new album. I am a sucker for nostalgia, and I do miss some of the traditional opera and deeper metal sounds, but the new album has such a delightful mix of both old and new. In saying that, it's okay for things to grow organically, and part of growth is change. It'd be unrealistic to expect a person to not change in 24 years, so why shouldn't a band? Especially one as deeply rooted in art and social, religious and ethical issues.

I am also so thankful that Judgy is listening to them again, and that we can share this together, this love for the weird, beautiful Finnish band.



02:51 Apr 15 2020



Yes, you.

01:57 Apr 15 2020
Times Read: 1,229

The fucking audacity.



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