VvOnceBittenTwiceShyvV's Journal

VvOnceBittenTwiceShyvV's Journal


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14:30 May 06 2024
Times Read: 210

There’s no shortage of trolls on this site. It’s been that way since I came here. Blank profiles made just to harass myself and others.
The information the trolls use is often not even real but made up to embarrass and devalue other long time or even to scare new members away. It is defamation and libel in the real world but here on the internet they hide behind the screen and username often times pretending to be someone they are not to try to siphon personal information on their intended victims to use against them. There may be some truths in what they are saying but it is also mixed with things that are untrue.
Most don’t want to deal with that so some just delete their profiles.
I can see being angry. I was once angry about what happened to me because of a certain group of people here. I don’t really care anymore though. I would hate for others to experience what I did. So I talk about it. Just a cautionary tale for others…
The troll’s don’t help they try to inflame an already bad situation. Which has happened to me in the past. My guess is they feed on it somehow. It gives them something. Anymore I just delete troll comments and move on. It’s not that I have a problem with someone disagreeing with me but that it’s always a new profile that is either deleted shorty after the harassment takes place or it is eventually suspended because they are sometimes trolling multiple members at the same time as well.
It’s rarely ever a long time, established member commenting on my journal but a troll.
Sometimes I wonder if it is another long time member here that just has a hard on for me but is trying to remain anonymous but I wouldn’t think the administration would allow that type of thing to go on for too long without suspending their other profiles as well.
I wonder though..some people on this site seem like they could be extremely violent individuals in real life not anyone I want to associate with anyway.
If you have a problem with me as a long time member just speak up. I’m not an unreasonable person. I’m willing to calmly and maturely talk things through with you but I won’t associate or engage with any troll profiles anymore.
I’m not saying I’ll agree with everything you say to me but maybe we can come to an understanding of sorts.
I don’t know. It’s all just very annoying to deal with such immaturity nearly every single time I log on and make a journal entry. I don’t even want to write anything half the time anymore because they are always ready to use it against me even if it’s just a vent entry to blow off some steam about my life. I guess that’s what they want though for me to leave. To stop telling others. To make others as miserable as they feel. It might fill that need for awhile but in the end it doesn’t profit anyone.
It’s has been close to a year now that I have even tried to do anything with this profile I have pretty much just moved onto another profile and have stayed to myself and don’t really sign on much or talk to others.
It’s not even worth it anymore to me. When I did talk to others I tried to stick to long time members and just stay away from any new profile until I’m sure it’s not the troll/stalker trying to get more personal information about me.
Like I said they are good at pretending they are your “friend” so they can find out things about you to make you look bad to others. Easy targets are the new members whom no one really knows that they target. I no longer trust new profiles because there’s always that thing in the back of my mind that it could be the troll or stalker posing as a new member because it has happened to me before.
Vulnerability and authenticity is hard when someone has done this to you multiple times over a five year span.
The only way to combat it is to put up a wall to certain individuals until they in effect prove themselves and then the troll come in inserting doubt about weather an actual real new member is worthy to trust. It’s a mind fuck I often wonder if this troll is a sociopath or psychopath at the very least a narcissist because all the signs are there. I’m not entertaining that anymore but I will not stop warning others about them either.



19:28 May 06 2024

Yeah trolls are very plentiful here been that since the start of the site, like other sites have the same.

03:20 May 07 2024



15:58 May 05 2024
Times Read: 317

I find it funny that people that aren’t even apart of my life think they know me just by what other people assume they know about me.
I have two good friends and that’s it. I don’t talk to anyone and my two good friends don’t know each other and don’t even have the same friend group.
I don’t talk to my Mothers side of the family. I haven’t spoke to my Dad sides for over 10 years now.
Yet everyone here thinks they know me based on some bull lies someone started about me damn near 6 years ago.
Let’s put some things into perspective.
1. No one here really knows me.
2. I’m not even the same person I was even 6 years ago. Yes, people are allowed to change and can change.
3. When I came here I was fighting a lot of demons.
4. Others said that I did things to others here online I had never met in person. How could I possibly do all the things they said?
5. These people believe in some otherworldly shit that lets face it I’m not even remotely capable of.
6. People said that I took others away from them. People are capable of making their own choices of who they can and can’t be friends with. I have no control over what others do or say for that matter.
7. But here we are everyone still thinks I’m this villain and it’s all based on some fictitious belief they have about human living vampires.
8. They think I’m a human living vampire. Which I’m not.
9. I have been called a leech, a parasite which I have to come to know are derogatory terms for someone who is like their kind and doesn’t follow their ways and beliefs.
10. This person is highly liked by others here and believes everything that other mentally ill people have said about me.
11. Guys vampire aren’t real! I know some of you believe you are these human living vampires but me personally I think some of you need some therapy and some heavy anti psychotics because wow these delusions have gotten the better of you.
I have never really spoke about how I feel. I came here lost and broken looking for something looking to understand this shadow side of myself. I thought maybe the answers could be found here. I got involved with the wrong crowd here that’s paints a pretty picture of this lifestyle but I was threatened by these people that I would be hunted down because they believed these false claims about me. Hurting others I have no way of hurting on this physical realm because I was never in physical contact with anyone here. Save one person and that wasn’t until a few years ago and that person had no association with that group.
As I have said before I can’t control what others do or say but there is always two sides to every story. Just because you hear things from other’s about someone else don’t assume it is truth.
I would never intentionally go out of my way to hurt anyone on purpose but also I’m not a doormat. I will stand up for myself if someone comes at me verbally attacking me.
I don’t really do that either anymore because it doesn’t matter what I say to defend myself people still believe these damned lies about me. This whole thing has left me scratching my head for years. I know I’m far from perfect. I have many flaws but being a vampire is not one of those flaws.



17:33 May 05 2024

....damn. I feel like there is a whole other part of this site for people that larp or play pretend or some shit. Once in awhile we interact but for the most part they "rule" the site through bullying and telling people off. I'm going to make an entry on real vamps and my experience. Someone who has lived in different cities. Different states. Seen covens that were a bunch of kids cutting each other to a well grounded group of individuals that learned quickly drinking blood regularly can lead to some awful shit. Bottom line: you can think you're a vampire. Go ahead. But honor the lifestyle and don't lie about it. Don't fucking tell people that they will have powers and a longer life or whatever nonsensical nonsequitur absurdity. Because those of us who truly know.....aren't doing it....and if anyone out there IS drinking blood daily (and not quaint little cut licks that a LOT of us pass off as vampirism); good fuckin luck with hepatitis or norovirus or even HIV.
This ran long. Sorry. Don't listen to those people. I mean ....I'm crazy too....but they're even worse. Looooollll.

18:09 May 05 2024

I know there are people that drink blood. You think most people would understand the dangers of that. Your body is not made to consume blood. It’s actually detrimental. Not to mention the blood borne diseases you can catch from that.
Then you have the “energy vampires” that feed off of others energy. That in my view is really out there and is more psychological.
Everything you said 100% is how I feel.
Like you do you though. lol
Play a vampire but at the end of the day to me it’s just escapism. We are all going to eventually die some day and no amount of pretending is going to stop your body from eventually failing and having some kind of mindset is not going to suddenly reincarnate your spirit to live another life. For me I believe we have this one life that’s it. Deal with your trauma and quit pussy footing around how terrible your life is and change what you can and let go of what isn’t yours to change.

19:05 May 05 2024

Good advice. You don't have to be ready to die. But you should know you're going to.

21:25 May 05 2024


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