
Hell (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 13 years.

Status:  Exasperater (20.82)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Hell (Coven)
Mentorship Pupil of Unwanted Tragedies.
Account Type:  Regular
Referred By:  vamp91
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  March 8, 1980
Age:  44



Bite Ashley26

Stalk Ashley26



Friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.



My name is Ashley but my friends and family call me ASH
I don't have a lot of friends and to tell you the truth I never wanted a lot (WHY) cause I have always been a loner an outsider but I do have a few friends though who are like me in so many ways it is not funny people who I can count on and trust with my life I also have a beautiful baby girl named Nicole she is my life my world my everything


for you guys who like to flirt that is fine but that is as far as it goes for I am not on here looking for a relationship like that I don't have time for a boyfriend hell I don't even want one at the moment

Other Info

I am a big snake lover one of my favorites is the mamba

some info about the Mamba

Mamba name for African snakes of the genus Dendroaspis, in the cobra family. Widely distributed throughout Africa except in the deserts, mambas have extremely toxic venom. When attacking they raise the front of the body high off the ground and aim at the head or trunk of the victim. They do not have hoods (as do the Asian cobras), but some can inflate their necks in a threatening gesture. Members of some species are very aggressive, displaying a greater tendency to attack than do most snakes; nevertheless, their reaction to danger is often flight. The so-called black mamba ( Dendroaspis polylepis ), actually dark brown to gray, may grow up to 14 ft (4.3 m) long and is the most feared of the mambas. It lives mostly in open country and preys on small mammals and birds. The green mamba ( D. angusticeps ) is a more arboreal snake, found in forest and bush country. Both are distributed throughout most of sub-Saharan Africa. Mambas are classified in the phylum Chordata , subphylum Vertebrata, class Reptilia, order

Pictures of the Mamba


I am a member of the coven of

The Alliance my Coven is part of


Here is some poems that was wrote for me

A Friend I Can Count On- BY VAMP91

When troubles come a callin’
As those gremlins often do,
And my spirit keeps on fallin’
Till I feel low down and blue…

When I look around for comfort,
Someone quickly jumps to mind,
One who always will support me,
And whose words are always kind.

Who will make my mood feel lighter,
Who’ll help beat my troubles back,
He/She makes the sun shine brighter
And gets my spirit back on track.

Who helps the road seem straighter,
And helps me get around each bend,
Who makes each day seem greater,
And that someone is you, my friend.

What Is A Friend-BY VAMP91

A friend is someone always there
in the back of your mind,
providing feelings of comfort and security.
A friend is someone
who adds happy sparkle to your life,
joy, fun, a predictable creator of happiness.
A friend is a stormproof shelter
from life’s challenges, troubles, uncertainties,
an unassailable bond overcoming any challenge,
strengthening the connection in the process.
You are all this and more, my friend.
Thank you.


I am a proud pupil of




It is murky, it is mystifying that feeling
It makes you wonder how dark it is within
Dreadful to think it is not healing
And it is eating you utterly and you cannot run
Away from it, it is not a thought
It is in fact a feeling you have developed…
Hoping it would fade away, it won’t
It needs to be dealt with, to be conquered
You cannot run, you cannot bury it inside
It will devour you and leave you hollow
I cannot tell what to do, you need to decide
Will you face it or will you hide in the shadow
You won’t feel alive till you see it bright and clear
What you are feeling, is something called fear.


The sun rises.
The wind blows.
Like a tree.
True love grows and grows.

Like a flower.
True love smells fresh.
Like a river.
True love stands time's test.

Two elderly people holding hands.
Walking barefoot on the beach sand.
The young at heart lady is the man's wife.
True love can still be like the sunrise in the twilight of a person's life.

Secret Place

Our eyes met.
Our souls touched.
First love is a feeling that you never forget.

First love brought to my heart.
A flood of emotions.
Beautiful and wide.
Exciting like a balloon ride.

Years go by and days pass.
But the memory of a first love will always last.
This is something that must be realized from the start.
A first love always remains in a secret place in the heart


some info on Fairies

Most fairies are delightful magical spirits with likenesses
and kinship to flowers, insects, and other small creatures.
Fairies are problem solvers, helpers, fixers, and
protectors of nature. They get along well with gnomes
and most other living things. Fairy spirits are given to
select girls at the moment of their birth. When they are
old enough to handle the responsibility that comes with
being a fairy, young girls are told about their fairy spirits,
and are guided by fairy mentors (usually older fairies) to
learn how to use their powers and gifts in accordance
with their job as fairies.
Fairy Circle
A Fairy Circle is a gathering of fairies that can be for
social reasons or to discuss problems and ways to fix
them. To clear up any confusion, please note that Fairy
Circles do not have to be circular. Fairies can meet
together in any shape or formation including squares,
triangles, straight lines, untidy clumps, scattered groups,
piled pyramids, hovering clouds, etc. Some reasons that
may necessitate a Fairy Circle include natural disasters,
important news, major problems, or fairy celebrations.
Fairy Code of Conduct
The Fairy Code of Conduct pertains to the fact that
fairies are never allowed to abuse fairy power or misuse
fairy gifts, and they are not supposed to use magic for
trivial things or to solve everyday problems. Young
fairies need permission from their mentors to perform
magic at all. In keeping with the purpose or “job” of
fairies, to protect nature and fix serious problems
(primarily problems caused by other magical creatures),
the fairies must take care not to overstep their bounds.
They are not supposed to meddle or interfere with things
that are not related to their job. Fairy problem solving
and fixing needs to directly correspond with the reason
that fairies exist. Mother Nature, the fairy guardian,
holds her fairies strictly accountable for their actions
regarding use of magic and fairy gifts. Since the fairy
handbook ages with the fairies, it serves the purpose of
helping to keep young fairies out of trouble by limiting
the amount of information it gives them. The handbook
often refers young fairies to their mentors for advice,
guidance, and supervision.
Fairy Favorite Foods
The fairies’ favorite foods include lemon jellybeans,
peanut butter and marshmallow crème sandwiches,
raspberries, powdered sugar puff pastries, homemade
fudge, golden raisins, cherry chip loaf, pizza, salad, and
snowflake fairy divinity. Fairies also like to drink root
beer, flower nectar, iced coffee, hot chocolate,
pomegranate juice, and iced tea.
Fairy Gifts
Each fairy is blessed with a unique fairy gift (and
sometimes more than one) that is like a strength or
specialty. These individual fairy gifts are usually why
certain fairies are chosen to participate in particular fairy
missions. The gifts are very diverse and can be anything
from the ability to cause rain, extremely powerful
eyesight, manipulation of electricity, amazing memory,
the power to ward off unfriendly insects, extraordinary
strength, the ability to become invisible, enhanced speed,
resistance to cold, and the ability to breathe under water.
Fairies are very much like little superheroes in this
regard. Each fairy being different is what makes fairies
an awesome force as a group. Their strengths combine to
form an extremely powerful team.

Some Fairy pics









My Best friend and brother VAMP91 love you bro


My Sister Jessica26 I love her with all my heart she is the greatest sister in the world love you sis


My Niece Amber95 I would do anything in the world for her love you Amber just a little note do not try to hook up or cyber with her for she is only 17 years old thanks for your understanding

Amber and Amy

My beautiful baby girl Nicole she is my life my world my everything she feels my heart with Joy and Laughter love you baby girl





amber's protection stamp




The Olympian gods

Aphrodite- Aphrodite is the Goddess of love , lust and beauty, wife of Hephaestus. Ares is her lover. Eros is her son. Known as the most beautiful of the goddesses. Her symbols are the sceptre, myrtle, and dove.

Apollo-Apollo is the God of music, prophecies, poetry, and archery. Also said to be the god of light and truth. Is associated with the sun. Also referred to as the most beautiful of the gods. He is Artemis's twin brother, and Son of Zeus and Leto. His symbols are the bow, lyre, and laurel.

Ares-Ares is the God of war, murder and bloodshed. Brother to Athena, and is the son of Zeus. His symbols are vultures, dogs, boars, and a spear.

Artemis-Atremis is the Goddess of the hunt and wild things. Protector of the dewy young. She became associated with the moon. Apollo is her twin brother. Artemis is a virgin goddess. She is also called Cynthia after Mt. Cynthus, where she is said to have been born. Her symbols are the bow and deer.

Athena-Athena is the Goddess of wisdom, warfare, handicrafts and reason. Sister of Ares, and is the favorite daughter of Zeus.Sprung from Zeus's head. She is the wisest of the gods. Her symbols are the aegis, owl, and olive tree.

Demeter - Demeter is the Goddess of fertility, grain and harvest. Demeter is a daughter of Cronus and Rhea, sister of Zeus and mother to Persephone, the Maiden of Spring . Her symbols are the sceptre, torch, and corn.

Dionysus- Dionysus is the God of wine, parties/festivals,madness and merriment. He represents not only the intoxicating power of wine, but also its social and beneficial influences. His symbols are the grape vine, ivy, and thyrsos.

Hades - Hades is the God of the underworld. Brother of Poseidon and Zeus, and consort to Persephone. His symbols are the bident, the Helm of Darkness, and the three-headed dog, Cerberus.

Hephaestus-Hephaestus is the God of fire and the forge (god of fire and smiths) with very weak legs. He was thrown off Mt. Olympus as a baby. He makes armor for the gods and other heroes like Achilles. Son of Hera and Zeus is his father in some accounts. Married to Aphrodite, but she doesn't like him because he's deformed and as a result is cheating on him with Ares. His symbol is the axe.

Hera - Hera is the Goddess of marriage, women and childbirth. Zeus' wife and sister. She is jealous of Zeus' other mortal wives and gives them punishment. Appears with peacock feathers often. Her symbols are the sceptre, diadem, and peacock

Hermes - Hermes is the God of flight, thieves, commerce, and travellers. Messenger of the gods. He showed the way for the dead souls to Hades's realm. He shows up in more myths than any other god or goddess. Likes to trick people and is very inventive. Hermes invented the lyre using a turtle shell and sinew. His symbols are the caduceus and winged boots.

Poseidon - Poseidon is the God of the sea, horses and earthquakes. Brother of Hades and Zeus, and father of Polyphemus; consort to Amphritite. Created horses from sea foam. His symbols are the trident, horse, bull, and sea foam.

Zeus - Zeus is the King of the gods. Most powerful god (though in some accounts this is disputed), Son of Kronos. God of the sky and thunder. Brother of Poseidon and Hades. Husband of Hera. He fathered many famous Greek personalities, like Hercules. His symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, and oak.


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Blessed Be

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Last Login: May 14, 2012
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Jan 11, 2024

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


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