
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 18 years.

Status:  Fiend (35.41)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  ?



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When in doubt smoke another!

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Mushroomhead-Savior Sorrow

I guess I must describe myself to you b/c that is the thing you are suppose to do. I guess you can say that I'm a pretty easy going person at times i think that i know too much when i really don't.

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I also ramble to much for some reason. And then there are times when i can be a fuck up too. I have this bad habit of getting arrested and going to jail. This last little vaction last a little over five months. But i'm out now so it all good somewhat. I just not really notice how society is almost ran like a prison.
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You are suppose to be all a certain way and but there are some of us that just veer off and do our own thing. I am part of that class that can 't just with the flow of things and I just like to fuck shit up.
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i currently live in a suburb of cleveland called chesterland. it is nice lil small town. i work at night so usually i sleep all day. my sleep schuduale is all fucked, just like my spelling lol. i live with two of my friends. it is pretty cool. we all work together and it is a blast. we just get all fucked up and clean buildings. it sounds like a shitty job to clean toilets, but hey, it pays good lol.

I grew up in a small town about 1 hour from here and it doesn't even have one fucking stop light. I graduated in a class of 140 students. Burton is still home of Ohio's oldest county fair. Yipee horray whoopie fuckin do.
I have five older brother who want to say that they are doing great but there lives actully do suck. Well since I don't have any pix yet i have to desribe my self to you, I'm 6'10", 192#s, I have green eyes, and brown hair. i currently have a beard b/c i'm too lazy to shave it all off everyday. I like to hang out with some friends in my spair time and just cause some havoc once in a while. when i can afford it i like to get to get a tattoo. So far i have got ten, if you want to know what they are ask. Well that is about it cause i just lost my fucking train of thought. DAMN

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Take the quiz:
what kind of drug are you? (includes pictures)

you are weed.you are laid back, ralaxed and outgoing.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

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Well I found my brain again, i think that i shit it out the last time i took a dump but oh well.
img src="http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y256/pdub395/Funny%20Shit/133690111_l.jpg">

Nothing really too exciting has happened to me in the past few years so my life is pretty boring. In 2002 my mother died of lung cancer and i'm still trying to get over that. I don't care what anyone says, i was a momma's boy to a certain point. She was my best friend b/c i could go to her with any problem and she would understand. I miss her alot and i know that i will be with her again some day.
Now on to the relationship side of everything, I haven't been involve with anyone for about a year b/c of reasons above. For all ofyou to know I'm straight but i really don't care about others sexual preferences, to each his/her own.I just want to find someone that might just understand me for the real person that i am. The last girl that i was with just used me for everything that i had so i'm a lil cautious to ppl that i talk to. I will find that girl someday though i just have to give it time.

Music I Like:
Mushroomhead (check the link if you haven't heard of them)
ICP, Runt, 13 faces, GWAR, Cannibal Corpse, Cript Kicker, rob zombie, Korn, Mudvayne, the gorillaz, and a bunch of other bands

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Movies I like:
there are so many that i would be here for days

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Favorite thing to do in my spare time:
Hang out with friends and smoke blunts:)-
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My favorite hobby:
Well, sinca young age i have always liked cars and ways to make them go faster, I have just about everything from change the oil on a car to rebuild a whole engine, but this is a picture of a kind of car that I want to some day own. It is a Nissian 300ZX.
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If i could go anywhere in the wold where would i go?:
It would have to be Europe b/c there are so many things to see

If you haven't notices, I tend to ramble on at times, don,t worry it is the ADHD kickin' in, i think that i might have mental problem but i have never taken the time to get it checked out for sure. Oh well, there are so many thing that i want to add to this profile but i don't have the means to do it right now so bare with me on it. I just got some pics put on a disk but they don't fit in this sites format so i put them in Myspace.con so if you want to see what i look like just go there and look me up, my name is nate vizy.

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Kermet is beating that shit up!

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Dont fuck with the Muppets!

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This is my kick ass Care Bear.
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this is my favorite cereal
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Member Since: Feb 03, 2006
Last Login: Oct 02, 2007
Times Viewed: 4,405

Times Rated:274

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Feb 06, 2024

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Enjoy the darkness..
Dec 22, 2023
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