
Views: 1,644
All pages by PAGAN
Page last updated: Aug 21 2011
Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]

Vampire Rave is one of those experiences that will remain a favourite with me, long after I am able to sit in front of my computer. Glimpses of fascinating people and the ways that they live have ensured that I keep logging in day, after day. People come and go almost daily sometimes, but the people who stay and contribute time and effort to this site, make it great for all of us. You cannot argue with that.

For me, the people who keep it real in this fantasy world of vampires, witches, zombies and other strange creatures, are the people I want to learn more about...Everyone here knows Vampirewitch39 ...a great friend and a formidable foe (so I'm told), an avid explorer and photographer of abandoned buildings and, a dab hand with a make-up brush ...I simply had to know if she had ever seen a ghost on her travels, if being an Administrator was an easy task, and what else she gives a rats ass about...

Who is Vampirewitch39?

"*smiles* If you are asking about the screen name it came from Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV show. I was searching vampires as I was watching the show where Willow had turned toward the darker powers. It fits me. And 39 was my age at the time I joined my first social site known as Vampire Rave.

If you ask who I am in real life? *shrugs* I am who my life has made me. I am a single soon to be 45 year old woman who enjoys life. I love my family and close friends, and try my best to treat people as I would want to be treated. I have good days, bad days, fun days and sad days. I am like every other person, nothing special at all. I am one of the most normal persons you could meet. Really, you would walk right by me in person. And I don't mind that in the least. *grins, winks* "

...I doubt very much that I'd ever be able to pass by this beautifully turned out lady with the big brown eyes without giving at least a second look, she was being terribly modest there, but I knew that she meant that she treated others the way she wanted to be treated - no airs nor graces just because of a rank.

Now, all your friends call you 'Rat', can you tell me please about the rest of the menagerie and how that all came about?

"Oh gods! I have no idea how that vacation joke has turned into this. *laughs* It started with Birdy (Elemental on the site) and I giving each other the names. Birdy was given to her due to her 'calling' like a baby bird about me getting out of my bed to go get her breakfast before the hotel stoped serving. Notice I had brought her food every morning but the one day I slept in on our vacation.

Rat was given to me when I would waken her up making noise as I was getting dressed before dawn for those 9 wonderful days to watch the sunrise on the beach. I made a lot of noise like a big rat, waking her every morning. *giggles* Can you tell we are best friends? Then Cat (Nightgame) picked her own.

Then it got into VR and bloomed. *hands going wide* House Eternal active members got names, and a few friends outside of the House were tagged too. People picked their names, the animals they wanted to be. It has gotten so bad that I try to send messages to 'Bunnie' 'Otter' 'Birdy' 'Cat' and the system keeps telling me there is no such member on VR. And I tell the screen "Yes there is, damn you". *laughs*"

Just imagining them all getting up to mischief together made me giggle...I bet there was plenty of laughs when they got together to cause mayhem. That was what was great about Vampirewitch and all the others, they knew how to kick back and just enjoy things despite having all the usual worries of life to deal with. I next wanted to know about Vampirewitch's VR role...

Just recently, Cancer chose you for the position of Master Vamp...what does that mean to you?

"Damn! you are good at this, ask all the hard questions...Give me a second! *closes her eyes, smiles, opens her eyes* It was one hell of a way to start the new year... He asked me New Years day, and I after reading his message, telling me the who, when, where and what of the events the last line was something like "Would you like to take over the House?" I was stunned. I sat and finally sent back (and this makes me cringe to remember) "Why yes! yes I would". *gives herself a palm slap to her forehead* How stupid was that? *laughs* But what does it mean to me? It means that the love I have for the site has come through. It means he expects me to keep the rules enforced, while letting members be who they are. It means he trusts me and that means more then I could ever say to him. And I would probably screw up that message anyway. *smile widens*"

...and Is being a Master Vampire what you thought it would be?

"HELL NO! *laughs* It is a lot of work, damn it. I had no idea how much these people did, and Cancer doesn't tell ya about that part either. They have their hands in all of VR, keep this place running. I myself am just staying busy with spammers, trying to keep them under control. It really has blown my mind at the work they put into the site. As do the Regent, Consuls, Dominars, Procurators, Sentorans. It really is a big machine that takes a lot of hands to keep running smoothly. And I love being part of that team".

...that was just it...not one of us ordinary members had any idea just how much work went on in the background at VR. Can you even begin to imagine how difficult it must be to keep things running smoothly when hundreds of users demand attention, kick up a stink when things don't go their way, and the various sections of VR also need to function properly...?

What would be the biggest changes you have seen in your 5 years on VR?

" I would have to say the Web Cams. I enjoy the ones where people are doing things, like cooking. I wish more folks would do this kind of educational casting. I mean - who would not watch a werewolf showing you how they trim their fur? Or a zombie making some brain stew? Or a vampire showing you how you get that sparkle just right? Come on folks - teach us something damn it. Web Cams are not just for drama. *winks, smiles* That was said tongue in check, in case you didn't notice".

...wait, what...? You mean the drama-cams aren't for drama? I laughed at that because there sure did seem to be a lot of actors amongst all the vamps and other creatures of VR...anyway...moving swiftly on...

I love when you share with us your visits through old, abandoned buildings, but don't you get scared and have you ever been caught for trespassing? LOL

"Ohhh laugh about that, why don't ya. *joins in the laughter* I started it after my Father died. I had a long talk with Cat about it and I think I use it as a sort of therapy. I have always loved ghosts, the unknown, the darker side of life. Stepping into a dark, musky wet old building is as close as I would want to come to it. It is that first step into the unknown, the darkness that makes your heart race. You don't know what you will find, if someone is in the building, if there is illegal activities going on. Then add the mold, the rotted wood floors, stairways that might or might not hold your weight! *shrugs* It makes you feel alive. And the photos I come out with, in my eyes, are beautiful. Decay should be as much a part of life as the lovely field of flowers. I enjoy seeing both sides, seeing what is coming in my own life. Facing death in a way, using dying buildings in this case. It is what I need in my life right now, and I harm no one so it is what I do.

Scared? Uhh? yeah. *grins* But Cat usually goes with me. Let me correct myself- she goes and sits in the car, reading a book. Which I am damn lucky she does since we usually are at these locations at dawn. But I know if she hears me fall, a floor collapse, or me screaming, she is going to pick up that cell phone and within minutes I will be surrounded by police, ambulance, fire men. *grins* And I can just see her screaming into the building "I called 911. The police will be here in a minute. Oh - I got bail money on the way, called your sister too. And by the way- Are WE HAVING FUN YET!?" I swear I can just hear that tone she gets, just thinking what she would do. Then she would call Birdy and I would be glad I was in jail so I could not hear her comments. *laughs*"

Heck! Not the jail! I promise to send a big block of cheese with a file in it if that ever happens! haha! These girls were terribly brave but I had to know: So they do not agree with your hobby?

"Oh no, they support me. Cat goes with me and even understands why I do it. Birdy has found me several places to explore so she helps. I just think they both think it is a little crazy to do it, take the risk. But they love me, and know it makes me happy. My own family has always supported anything I did in life, just hopes I am taking all the steps I can to be safe, which I do. I have backed out of places that just didn't feel right.

And as far as if I have been caught for trespassing - not at this time. But keep watching, sure it will happen. *winks, grins* I just hope it is a security guard or a cop I can talk my way out of it. *cross fingers*"

Oh boy! surely not! But, I knew that there were more than a few folk who would happily post bail in that unfortunate event...My interview was coming to an end, but my last question was one that I had always wanted to know...

You have shown us hundreds of wonderful make-up looks...if you could do one for somebody in particular, who would that be and what look would you do?

"That is another great question. Let me think... Taylor Swift in drag queen makeup. Why? Just because she is always so young looking on her makeup. Jamie Lee Curtis. Why? Because she stands for woman to look their age, be who we are, beauty is more then wrinkle free smooth skin. The old movie stars like Audrey Hepburn, Mae West and... Oh this list could go on and on. But I have never done makeup on a male and would love to. I also would love to have a model with a different eye color than my own dull brown".

...and who wouldn't want a male model to 'practice' on I thought...that would have to be arranged...Cat and Birdy needed to get scouting it was so much safer than scarey old buildings...or maybe not...

"Before you go - I want to Thank You for asking me to do this interview. I have enjoyed the insights they bring to the members you have interviewed, and honored you asked me. Hope you keep these up Pagan".

...aww shucks! My Pleasure! Thanks Vampirewitch!

All pages by PAGAN
Page last updated: Aug 21 2011



18:48 Aug 20 2011

Wonderful bit Pagan -that little Rat is one of my favorite people on VR for good reason.

18:48 Aug 20 2011

Rat is an amazing, intelligent, creative and beautiful person. I admire her for being who she really is and bringing beauty into the world through her as a person and her as a photographer.

I loved this interview. It was amazing and so much fun to read.
I hope people can see the amazing person that Rat is. She's one in a million. ♥

18:58 Aug 20 2011

I love the photographs too. VW captures the beauty in things we rarely give a second glance to, now that is special.

02:52 Aug 21 2011

She is one of the best members Vampire Rave has.

04:26 Aug 21 2011

She is such a sweetheart! ♥

09:50 Aug 21 2011

...and I'd love to see a zombie making brain stew on webcam or a lycan trimming fur LOL

17:07 Aug 21 2011

Grins...who would have thunk it? Birdy and Rat turning into a zoo...grins...

Nice Pagan......very nice.

21:14 Aug 21 2011

Interesting and complete. A master piece, just like the writer.

06:43 Aug 23 2011

AWESOME!! This is so great!!

20:20 Aug 26 2011

What a great interview! VW is one of the reasons I stay on VR.

03:43 Aug 29 2011

VW is Top notch in my book, classy lady who knows how to have fun :)

11:19 Aug 31 2011

=) I love this interview!

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